A River Flows Through You

In today’s meditation a poignant emotion took hold of me. I remembered friends that touched me deeply. Our lives have taken us far from each other, yet that old familiarity lingers. I felt nostalgia, but it took on a different hue as my awareness detached from the stream of memories. I realised that at some point in my life these cords of familiarity might pull me back. Or maybe they won't. The mood became less covetous and more joyous. Treasured moments come and go. If life continues, I will someday feel nostalgia for the present as well. Even our deepest connections are transient, and with anything of value comes the inevitability of loss. Our mind is in a state of flow on every scale of time. Pause for this moment and feel the rush of life that has led up to it from the last few seconds to decades past. We can’t stop or manage the flow. The only salve is to learn to let go. Photo from gracecirocco.com