An Impossible God
A God separate to the universe seems impossible. Consider the universe; a flat, possibly boundless, plane. If there is a separate God, It exists outside this spacetime. So for the moment imagine God existing on another plane. On this plane, which predates space and time, there can be nothing but God. It cannot be an entity inside a bubble of spacetime, because then the bubble would have to exist first. Now consider God creating the universe. When the universe is created it would be inside God, or rather not outside , as there is nothing else where a bubble of spacetime can be created. And what would this universe be created from, but the essence of God? Yet how could the essence of a single indivisible sentience create separate things, both sentient and non-sentient? But separation has emerged. So perhaps there is no God. Or this separation is an illusion; everything is and exists within God; the Mind at Large . In either case, a God separate to everything else seems impossible. We are...