
 Last night, while walking to another room, I felt a sense of peace descend on me. It was a relief after a day tinged by troubling news from around the world.

I paused in the corridor to let my mind rest in the present. I looked for my head, and finding nothing, my view became expansive.

My two year old daughter was finishing a shower with her mum. Soon, she would dash out of the door looking for me.

I felt a smile emerge out of the expectation. The warm sensation of it spread to my face; a pleasant tug around the cheeks, a fuzziness at the bottom of my eyes.

I heard her squeals and the patter of feet. And then she appeared running at full speed, forming an arc that just about avoided a collision with the wall, and ran straight into my embrace. Her arms around my neck, the velvet of her cheek against mine, her giggles vocalizing our glee.

A moment lived.


Photo from



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