The Depraved Depths Of Self Pity...

There is so much misery in this world that when one realizes even an ounce of it laughter feels like a sin. But, fortunately perhaps, such realization is rarely achieved and always fleeting. However, feelings of one’s own misery are only too evident and intransient. While going through a bad patch in my life I have been facing these bitter feelings with such perpetuity that I have begun to loathe them. The constant companionship of such depression itself has become a source of misery. Almost too late, I realized I have been plummeting fast towards the depraved depths of self pity...


Anonymous said…
Your blog entries are getting "darker" and "darker". Cheer up man. =D You can always find me to talk crap to. My crap shall be your light. =D
Nabeel said…
Hmm I wrote it all dark but the post suggests that I hold self pity in contempt. The thought of heading in that direction disgusts me and so the realization that I was in fact doing so acted as a wakeup call.

And dunno who you are cause all it says here is anonymous. So temme your name...
Anonymous said…
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
Anonymous said…
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

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