Right now, you are present and aware. Present as in you are here right now. Aware as in you have the capacity to know. And if you think of any memory, at the time that memory is formed you are present and aware. And when you are asleep and begin to dream, or when the mind stirs and you notice it, you are present and aware. And if you lose consciousness and all experience stops, it can only return because you remain present and aware. And when this life begins and the very first experience appears, you are already present and aware. Therefore, if you had a name, you could be called Presence-Awareness. Wherever there is life and consciousness, at the root of it is this Presence-Awareness that is You. And even if there is no life or consciousness, whenever they appear, they appear to You. Hence, You are prior to consciousness and unconsciousness. Beyond beginnings and endings, life and death. In Truth there is only You. There is no one else. All is You. When Yo...