
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Spark

Eyes closed, body forgotten, drifting in and out of dreams, I realised I had all the ingredients needed to create the world we see. As I woke up and looked into my child’s eyes, I knew we were the same beyond our temporal disguise. The creative force behind our dreams, Bears the mark of what must always have been. That which can turn darkness to light, Is that which can bring a universe to life. This spark, lighting the mind without pause, Is at the root of it all — the real, most fundamental; the causeless cause.   Photo created by andreonegin –  


Everything we have ever seen or will see is made visible by light. We see an amazing variety of shapes, colours, textures and objects, yet all these forms are really just the reflection of light. Seen this way, all visible forms are as illusory as holograms. What we see are fluctuations in the universal field of electromagnetism, rather than separate things. But this is not the entire truth. The light we see when our eyes are open, is the same light we see in darkness as visions and dreams. So light can even appear to us in the absence of an external source. Visible light enables the sensory perception of sight, but the conscious experience of sight depends on the light of consciousness. This applies not just to sight, but to every experience. There is a unity to consciousness as our senses merge to form aspects of a single conscious experience. Whatever is known through the mind, is a reflection of the light of consciousness. From this perspective, consciousness can be seen as fundame...

Neither the body, nor the mind

Your body has been changing ever since its conception. Only some of its cells last a lifetime. Do you identify yourself as just those cells and not the others? You may consider that the brain defines who you are. Yet there are parts of the brain which seem to operate like a machine, empty of experience. So what you call "me" would have have to be defined as a subset of the brain; as certain networks that are in constant flux, at times active and then dormant. Yet you seem to be stable amongst the fluctuation of brain activity. Isn't it pleasant to lose yourself completely in activity? Don’t you wake up every morning to a continuity of being that is there prior to memory or thought? The fact is that the body, as you know it, only exists in your mind. The sensations, sights, sounds, and abstract concepts that define it, are all amongst the contents of your mind. These passing phenomena cannot be you. There are layers to your mind, shifting and changing. What was unnoticed o...